Sunday 13 July 2008

Ulster Scottish

These people have their own Celtic Gaelic language and its known that along with the other Druidic/Celtic tribes such as the Irish, Cornish and Welsh, that these people were used by ancient kings and Egyptian Pharaohs as seer's or mediums. For many Celts are naturally psychic, having come from a completely different bloodline than the Anglo-Saxon Caucasians who were originally from the Romania/ Transylvania direction as opposed to Egypt. It is believed to have something to do with the way the pigment Melanin is distributed around the body and 3rd eye pineal-gland, as this is also the reason for red hair. Ulster-Scots are an ethnic group in Ireland descended from mainly Lowland Scots who settled in the Province of Ulster in Ireland, during the 17th century. Their modern hero is King William of Orange of the Netherlands who became the Protestant King of England after defeating the Catholic King James 11 at the battle of the Boyne in 1690.Shortly after this he founded the Illuminati controlled Bank of England. This is when the genocide and takeover of the world through British imperialism began. The modern Protestants have no idea about their so-called saviour’s dark alliances. On the Ulster flag there is a "Red Hand" mounted on the "Star of David", under a Royal Crown. Why would symbols of Israel's royalty be on the flag of people who have been taught that they are gentiles? It must have been the Irish, who built the pyramids, for no one else could carry up the bricks. It must have been a Doyle, who swam the river Nile, for no one but an Irishman could fight a crocodile. And every Houlihan once led a caravan; they say the same for every Mc and O. When Moses came to Egypt and saw those Irish faces, He took the name of Callahan and changed it to O'Asis. Now all the Houlihans and all the Gilligan’s Must have been Egyptians long ago-o-ooo- (Irish Were Egyptians old Celtic song).

Useless eaters

The Illuminati spelt out the kind of people that they wanted to eradicate from earth before their New World Order comes fully in. They consider ethnic people, drug addicts and homosexuals as useless eaters because they do not have families which contribute to the economy. So they genetically manufactured the A.I.D’s virus to wipe out these people. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. (Martain Luther King)

Vaccination fears

The multiple vaccination programs directed at children are not to protect, they are concocted in military funded laboratories to destroy the consciousness, higher wisdom and intuition of the Indigo children being born all over the planet at this time. This is the same way the cocktails of drugs given to A.I.D’s sufferers (an immune deficiency disease) actually lower the immune system even more and have led to many deaths of H.I.V patients who otherwise could have lived long, healthy and normal lives. At the moment there are constant scare tactics within the media about having to vaccinate all children from so-called super-bugs, and families through fear, are letting doctors pump cocktails of immune and consciousness destroying poisons into their precious offspring. These worldwide vaccines were only invented to destroy the immune system, suppress higher consciousness and lower the spirituality of the incarnating star-children which are being born all over the planet at this time; they have come to help lift the human race out of its coma. The Illuminati's most pre-eminent leaders have recently taken a keen interest in the field of vaccines. They have established a special task force to oversee the administration of vaccines to children and adults throughout the world, called the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI).(www.conspiracy


You watch the films and you think its fairy tale, but these creatures exist in one form or other. 14And began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, (8) and to drink their blood. (Book of Enoch.).Hormones are secreted into the blood from certain glands in the body when people are terrified, and it’s this dark energy that the real reptilian vampires crave. It is these un-holy beasts that the Illuminati black magicians bow down to and worship. They are thought to reside in the lower 4th dimension and are also named Macrobes. All modern manufactured wars are mass human sacrifices to these lower 4th dimensional demons as they thrive on negative energy. Vlad the Impaler was a real blood drinker from history who actually terrified a whole Turkish army who came to invade into turning back, by staking thousands of corpses all around his land. They liteally thought the Devil lived here. It’s also not unheard of, that warriors would drink each others blood from the neck of a dead comrade in battle for the adrenaline hit. Incidentally David Icke says the English Royal families are related to Vlad and that also the Bushes are cousins to the Queen. For there shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (Matthew 24:24)


The Vedas are the oldest written text on the planet today. They date back to the beginning of Indian civilization, back to the hi-tech Brahma civilization that was said to have been atomically attacked by the armies of Atlantis. The texts are supposed to have been passed through oral tradition for over 100,000 years and were written down about 6000 years ago by sages and poets from different priestly groups. In the texts a vimana was a mythological flying machine. References to these flying machines are commonplace in ancient Indian texts, even describing their use in warfare, as well as being able to fly within Earth's atmosphere. Vimanas were also said to be able to travel into space and travel submerged underwater. (Check out pictures of Abydos in Egypt). Advanced human civilization has existed on earth for millions of years, and time and time again these civilizations end up destroyed in wars and massive cataclysms. When Alexander the Great invaded India more than two thousand years ago, his historians recorded that they were attacked by "flying, fiery shields" that dove at his army and frightened the cavalry. "Bhima flew with his Vimana on an enormous ray which was as brilliant as the sun and made a noise like a storm of thunder." – (The Veda Texts).Of course they could be talking about comets, but make sure you check out the entry for Mahabharata.

Vibration rates

Everything in reality is just energy and matter vibrating at different speeds. At this present time the photon belt is speeding 3D matter up and this is the sense that everyone feels of time speeding up. The living planet at this time is trying to raise its vibration to handle the photonic stresses it is feeling beaming from Galactic centre through the central sun Alcyone through the photon belt through our sun to earth. All humans on the planet have been unknowingly waiting for this time to jump evolution into the 4th dimension but the human race is a slave race genetically tuned down to use no more than 10% of their brains. And the Sleepers need to wake up quick. Monatomic Gold is a truly exotic substance. Highly-valued by ancient cultures for it's "mystical properties" and "magical powers", it is now re-emerging in modern times, seemingly, just as mankind needs it. Monatomic gold has been used throughout history to heal, encourage spiritual growth and enlightenment and even affect "gravity, space and time". Monatomic Gold is proving to be quite literally a unique "gift from the gods" that we are rediscovering in this time of spiritual need. Ancient texts have shown that the Pharaohs were fed "shew-bread" containing Monatomic Gold as they were considered worthy of the spiritual enlightenment, heightened awareness and increased life span it was reputed to deliver. It was considered too important to be given to "ordinary" humans. Ancient "priestly scientists" were well-aware of the enhancements monatomic elements made to the human body and DNA as well as helping transcend the spirit to a higher state of evolution. The Sumerians (Ancient Iraq) recorded that the gods, or the Annunaki as they called them, came down from heaven and (genetically) seeded mankind. A few selected humans were chosen to rule the rest as the "representatives" of the gods and were fed monatomic gold (also called Starfire) which made them more intelligent and able to rule the workers.(Evolution Super-food the vital link

Visionary stems

Referring to the God plants used in all early religions including Christianity, Islam and Judaism and all native Shamanic practices, which when prepared properly and ingested, brought on states of heightened intelligence, awareness and meetings with God .Most Biblical Prophets experienced their visions in altered drug induced states. The reality of this use was erased from modern religious understandings and in modern day these Holy plants have been demonized along-side modern recreational drug abuse. There are many plants on earth that help induce higher consciousness. If they are from the earth its obvious they are meant to be taken by the inhabitants. To make them illegal or to tax them is a crime. "The war on drugs to me is absolutely phoney; it's so obviously phoney, OK? It's a war against our civil rights, that's all it is. They're using it to make us afraid to go out at night, afraid of each other, so that we lock ourselves in our homes and they get to suspend our rights one by one." (Bill Hicks).